Activ-8 Kohnke’s Own
Activ-8 Kohnke’s Own
Nutritional Supplement for Optimal Immune System Activity
Activ-8 is formulated to support a strong immune system which is crucial for overall health and performance.
Factors such as hard training, stress and illness can take their toll on your horse’s immune system with coughs and colds causing unnecessary down-time, health complications and potentially putting other horses at risk of infection.
Kohnke’s Own Activ-8 features specific nutrients which work to improve the responsiveness of the equine immune system, ensuring optimum function to help with recovery.
Horses can benefit from a course of Activ-8 following general sickness, intense competition, prior to long distance travel or when they’re at risk of exposure to respiratory viruses from other horses at events.
Activiron Performance
Activiron Performance
Activiron™ Performance Plus combines selected premium organic trace minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids, micronutrients and coenzymes which work together to maximise bio-availability and nutritional uptake, as well as to support the specific needs of performance horses.
With the inclusion of the unique active FeNaEDTA, activiron™ Performance Plus aids in red blood cell formation, blood building, appetite stimulation, recovery, immune support, coat condition and energy production and metabolism.
Performance horses need extra nutritional support to counteract the physical demands of intensive work, to maintain optimal conditioning and to give them the competitive edge. activiron™ Performance Plus delivers over 21 premium vitamins and minerals, essential amino acids, micronutrients and co-enzymes in one palatable low dose daily powder.
Aminovite + Ranvet
Aminovite + Ranvet
- Premium grade multi-vitamin feed supplement.
- Specifically formulated for high performance horses.
- Supplies chelated, highly bio-available minerals.
- Supplies all essential nutrients commonly deficient in many rations.
- Safe for pregnant mares, lactating mares, stallions and foals.
- Excellent quality ingredients in a highly palatable form.
- Specifically formulated and tailored by equine veterinarians to meet the increased nutritional demands of horses subjected to the physical stress and exertion of hard racing and training.
- Specifically tailored to balance high grain diets of intensively stabled, high performance horses.
- Combats vitamin and mineral deficiencies where good quality pasture is not readily available.
- Essential for energy conversion from carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
- Absorption and bio-availability increased 2-5 times in excess of standard inorganic mineral complexes.
- Ideal coat conditioner.
- Easily mixed into the ration.
B-Quiet – KER
B-Quiet – KER
B-QUIET® is formulated to manage the symptoms of thiamine and magnesium deficiency, including irritability, nervousness and anxiety, which may result in decreased performance.
Why use B-Quiet?
- Combination of thiamine and magnesium to support excitable, highly strung or anxious horses
- Recent research has found that supplementing thiamine and organic magnesium to your horse’s diet can reduce anxiety by assisting the maintenance of nerve function
- Thiamine plays a vital role in carbohydrate metabolism and nerve transmission
- Horses on high-grain, low-forage diets or hard-working horses may have reduced production of thiamine by intestinal bacteria because of stress or hindgut acidosis
- Magnesium has an important role in muscle and nerve function
- Horses that are deficient in magnesium can show signs of spooky and excitable behaviour and may suffer muscle tremors or cramping
- Recent research has shown that magnesium supplementation may positively influence behaviour in horses during stressful situations
- Does not contain prohibited substances
BCAA Ranvet
BCAA Ranvet
- Supplies essential amino acids which are the building blocks of the equine body.
- Attenuates net muscle protein degradation during exercise.
- The three branded chain amino acids, Valine, Leucine and Isoleucine make up one third of all muscle protein and require replenishment following strenuous activity.
- Rapidly metabolized and absorbed.
- Aids to maintain muscle tissue mass, required in times of physical stress and intense exercise.
- Supplementation following exercise aids to replace muscle tissue damage and wastage by optimizing muscle repair and regeneration.
- Pre-exercise supplementation helps to reduce muscle protein degradation during exercise.
- Post-exercise supplementation aids muscle recovery following intense exercise stress.
- Maintains cell integrity during hard work.
- Preserves muscle glycogen stores.
Calming supplement whilst allowing optimum performance. Spooky or anxious horse…. BetaCALM ensures your horses’ nervous system will have no malfunctions from nutrient deficiencies. Contains a pure vitamin, mineral and amino acid composition. No prohibited substances.
Cal-Xtra Kohnke’s Own
Cal-Xtra Kohnke’s Own
Calcium and Bone Mineral Supplement for Horses Grazing Oxalate-containing Pastures.
Cal-XTRA is formulated as a critical supplement for horses grazing in regions with oxalate-containing grasses, commonly in Queensland,
The Northern Territory and parts of New South Wales and Victoria.
Tropical and sub-tropical grass, particularly setaria, para, buffel, teff, pangola, kikuya, couch grass and green panic, contain oxalates which bind up and reduce the absorption of calcium, resulting in calcium deficiency which can lead to bone weakness.
Cal-XTRA is a concentrated source of bone minerals, especially calcium, to ensure extra supply and help prevent bone demineralisation that would otherwise lead to lameness, osteoporosis and Big Head.
Horses on high grain diets also benefit from the calcium and other nutrients supplied by Cal-XTRA to help bone strength and soundness during moderate to intense training.
Cell E Premium Kohnke’s Own
Cell E Premium Kohnke’s Own
Premium Antioxidants for Ultimate Performance.
Cell-E Premium is a scientifically formulated supplement to support the muscle health and optimum aerobic capacity of performance horses in intense levels of training or competition.
Containing high levels of all essential antioxidants nutrients, including vitamin E and organic selenium, Cell-E Premium activates the muscle antioxidant cycle, enabling your horse to recover faster, as well as helping to limit fatigue by reducing oxygen wastage and protecting muscles against damaging free radicals which form inside the muscle cells during exercise.
Cell-E Premium is also a helpful supplement providing breeding horses with nutrients that have a role in optimum fertility in stallions and mares.
Cell Grow Kohnke’s Own
Cell Grow Kohnke’s Own
Comprehensive Supplement for the Health and Development of Growing and Breeding Horses.
Cell-Grow has been scientifically formulated by Kohnke’s Own to support the very specific nutritional needs of both young horses as well as broodmares.
The specially balanced supplement contains the bone minerals, trace-minerals and vitamins fundamental to the growth of strong bones, joints and tendons in weanlings and yearlings while helping avoid developmental problems.
Cell-Grow is also designed to support the mare, especially during late pregnancy when the unborn foal requires more nutrients for foetal development and during lactation when the mare’s nutritional needs are greatly increased due to milk production.
Cell Iron Kohnke’s own
Cell Iron Kohnke’s own
Pelleted Iron Supplement with Additional Synergistic Nutrients.
Cell-Iron is a premium iron supplement designed for horses in regular and intense training,
racing, endurance or equestrian competition to help maximise performance and accelerate recovery.
The pelleted supplement contains three different forms of iron along with essential iron co-factors
such as vitamin C and folic acid to facilitate iron uptake.
Cell-Iron is particularly beneficial for horses receiving a predominantly hand-fed diet of hay and grain
and allows specific adjustment of iron levels in the diet for overall health and optimum athletic performance.
Cell Perform Kohnke’s Own
Cell Perform Kohnke’s Own
Concentrated Bone Mineral, Trace-Mineral and Vitamin Supplement with extra Muscle Antioxidants for Performance Horses.
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is a premium supplement containing a complete range of vitamins and minerals which are often
low or inadequate in the diets of horses in training and competition.
The comprehensive 5 pellet blend also contains a higher concentration of muscle specific nutrients such as premium organic
chelated selenium, magnesium and vitamin E for robust muscle strength, and stamina in horses that regularly work at moderate to intense levels.
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is particularly designed for Dressage, Show-Jumping, Eventing and Show horses and ponies to meet their
elevated nutrient needs for health, vitality and performance.
Cell Provide Kohnke’s Own
Cell Provide Kohnke’s Own
Bone-Mineral, Trace-Mineral and Vitamin Supplement for Adult and Senior Pleasure Horses, Ponies and Miniatures.
Cell-Provide is the ideal supplement to make up shortfalls in the diet, ensuring your horse is receiving the essential
nutrients required daily for optimum health and well-being.
Containing a comprehensive range of bone minerals, trace minerals and vitamins, Cell-Provide is particularly beneficial
to horses with a predominantly pasture or hay-based diet, horses and ponies in light or intermittent work and resting, retired or aged horses.
Cell-Provide balances a diet where nutritional deficiencies exist without adding energy or sugar.
Cell Salts Kohnke’s Own
Cell Salts Kohnke’s Own
Electrolyte Supplement of Concentrated Physiological Salts for Horses.
Many owners do not realise that horses require higher levels of salt, especially when moderately sweating during daily work.
Adding an electrolyte mix to the ration will encourage your horse to drink as well as replace the important minerals lost through sweat.
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Salts contains sodium, chloride, potassium and magnesium which are commonly lost in sweat from exercise and are crucial for body function and performance.
Cell Vital Kohnke’s Own
Cell Vital Kohnke’s Own
Concentrated Trace-Mineral and Vitamin Supplement for all Working Horses.
Cell-Vital is a multi-vitamin and trace-mineral supplement which is ideal for resting or working horses
when their diet is low or inadequate in nutrients required for overall health and vitality.
Cell-Vital is highly economical and easy to feed many different horses, even if they are in various levels of training.
It is suitable to balance all types of diets, especially as a top-up for a commercial feed diet of pelleted or mixed hard feeds
which have reduced levels of the top quality micronutrients provided by Cell-Vital.
Cell-Vital is designed to offset any loss of nutrients common during the processing and storage of grains, chaff, hay or prepared feeds.
The concentrated dose ensures a nutritionally balanced diet, with results you can really see in your horse’s coat colour and intensity, performance and well-being.